If you find yourself on this page, it’s likely that you are one of Community Rights US’ thousands of newsletter subscribers who just read the OpEd we submitted a few days ago to The Oregonian – Portland, Oregon’s corporate daily newspaper. Now that you’ve read it, we’d love to hear from YOU. (Click HERE to read it again.)

Would you like to help us to get this OpEd circulating as widely and quickly as possible across these disUnited States of America?

Do you know folks connected to existing mainstream or indy media who could help get it republished there?

Do you have a large following on social media that you can share it with?

Are you a resident of a town, city or county that you believe might be interested in launching such an emergency local law-making campaign?

Please email us to let us know that you’re interested, and what specific skills or connections you have that would help to move this project forward.

Let’s work together to mobilize US’ians towards real local solutions to our urgent social problems. We want to hear from YOU.

And by the way, … unfortunately, but not surprisingly, The Oregonian’s Opinion Editor rejected our submission with this odd comment: “[W]ith so many op-eds coming in on very timely topics, I don’t foresee using it. There’s just so much news happening right now and the piece doesn’t have quite the urgency or focus.” Frankly, it’s hard for us to imagine a topic more “timely” or urgent than one that introduces the Community Rights strategy to tackle our nation’s multiple and still growing emergencies, when neither our state or federal government has any clue what to do in this dire moment. So we will now be submitting our OpEd to other Portland newspapers, and we urge our readers to share this OpEd widely in your social networks.